Savvy Skills For Shopping School Supplies
While every school year is different, one thing that remains the same is the desire to save on school supplies. Moms are looking to save on more than just dollars and cents.

The Secret to Feeling Good Inside and Out…
Did you know that your outside can tell others what is going on inside of you? It’s true. For example, if your hair is falling out, it could be that your body lacks essential vitamins and minerals to build healthy hair - like vitamin E.

Signs It’s Time to Get Some Help for Your Sleep Problems
Everyone deals with sleep problems from time to time. You might be anxious about a project at work. The neighbors may be having a loud party or you may be ill and unable to sleep.

Being Just ‘A Little More Fit’ Improves Longevity, Quality Of Life
What have you done recently to improve your fitness level? You might think that because you have exercised off and on throughout your life that you are in pretty good shape. Don’t rest on your laurels.

Health Benefits of Getting Enough Sleep
You may know that you’re supposed to get between seven and nine hours of sleep each night. However, you might not know exactly why. Sleep is an essential part of your body’s cycle.

Living a Naturally Healthy Lifestyle
Living a naturally healthy lifestyle means not only your body is in shape and you are disease-free but you also have a positive mind-set, happy relationships and an overall feeling of well-being.

April is Cancer Control Month: The Latest Dietary News About Cancer Prevention
The 100th meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research emphasized the role of diet to reduce cancer risk. New research indicates that people should follow this advice.

For Better Mental Health: Do Housework, Gardening or Play a Sport
Digging in the dirt has long been known as a way to relax and “let the world go away.” The great thing about fooling around with plants: If it’s your yard or garden, you can do whatever you want whenever you want and as fast or as slow as you want.

Spring Has Sprung: Get could help you live longer!
How much time do you spend outside each day? The vast majority of people spend less than ten minutes in the fresh air each day. Shocking, right? With our indoor lifestyles we go from car to building and never really spend more than a few minutes at a time outside.

The Link Between Cancer and Sitting Down Too Long
If your job has you sitting for extended periods of time, your risk for certain types of cancers increases exponentially. In a 2014 study, researchers looking at the data from 43 previous studies involving 70,000 cases of cancer to confirm or deny the link between cancer and sitting.

Help Cancer Society Save Lives By Reducing Your Own Risk
The American Cancer Society is a nationwide, community-based health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem. Their mission is to prevent cancer, save lives with research and information, and diminish the suffering from cancer.

Guide to Healthy Cycling Posture
Leading up to Bike to Work Day (May 20 th ), national, regional, and local bicycle advocacy groups encourage people to try bicycle commuting as a healthy and safe alternative to driving.

Are Your Shoes and Belts Making You Ache All Over?
A woman started to feel numbness from her knee to her pelvis and became very painful. Her neurologist asked her to balance on her toes, walk backward on her heels and do other motions, then asked if she wore tight clothes.

Why Fitness is About More Than What You Weight?
Your weight is just a number on a scale – and most likely an inaccurate one at that. Yet some people sess over that number like it was a matter of life or death. Weight can fluctuate by several ounces or even a pound overnight.

Do Men Need More Protein Than Women?
This question is one of many concerning the difference in nutritional needs between men and women that has persisted throughout the ages. The short answer is yes (in most cases), men do need more protein than women. But why?

4 Metabolism Myths, Busted!
There are probably as many myths about your metabolism as there are truths. Some of the erroneous information has been around so long and so widely promoted that many believe it to be true.
Bring Sexy Back … with MD Intimate Restore!
You may find the topic embarrassing … but not to worry: the problem of losing sensation in the clitoris and labia areas is truly common for most women – especially after child birth.

Ease a Stuffy Nose and Sinuses the Natural Way
You may be able to breathe a little easier if you’re among the more than 37 million Americans who suffer from sinus pain and infection or are looking for a more natural way to keep healthy.

We All Need Ways to Manage Our Stress
Incorporating Relaxation Techniques Into Your Life Can Help Reduce Stress and Is Essential For Overall Health And Wellness.

2021 Health Fitness Goals: Endurance, Strength, Weightloss
Many factors will come into play when setting your 2015 fitness goals. First and foremost, what are your goals? Do you want more endurance? Increase your strength? Lose a few pounds?

10 Healthy Habits for a Healthy New Year!
Are you looking for ways to improve your lifestyle? Get healthier? Feel better? Here are ten great healthy habits to adopt this year for a happier, healthier, and potentially longer life.
Eye Care

Need Longer Eyelashes? Here is one of the best hormone-free serums for you!
There are dozens of lash serums available in the market. All claim fantastic results, such as lon...

Easy Tricks for Thicker and Fuller Eyebrows in 2024!
In the beauty space of 2024, the spotlight remains firmly on eyebrows, with a growing preference ...

Do Eyelashes Ever Stop Growing? - Let's Find Out!
No doubt that eyelashes add stars to your beautiful eyes. They help you create a stunning first i...
Fat Loss

How to Get Back Into Shape After A Long Break
If you haven’t worked out for 2 - 3 months, you have lost half of your aerobic fitness. During this hiatus, your lung capacity has shrunk, your blood vessels have contracted, and your muscles have lost a significant amount of their strength.

Why Eating Too Little Can Stall Weight Loss
If you ask most people how they would recommend losing weight in the most basic form, they will usually answer “Eat less, exercise more”. Generally, they are right. The simplest way to lose weight is to burn more calories during the day than you are taking in from your food.

Targeting Your Belly Fat: A Comprehensive Approach
I magine that we are walking along a hiking path, enjoying nature, thinking good thoughts, and suddenly, we hear a rustle in the bushes. Our body thinks, bear (or in Paleo times saber toothed tiger-Oh my). Either way, the hike is ruined and you are now faced with a decision. Is it Bambi or is it a bear?

Water-Based Workout Ideas for Strengthening Your Core
Working out in a pool makes sense for several reasons. The buoyant quality of water means little to no stress on your joints, ligaments and back.

10 Tips That Help Prevent Injury of Young Athletes
If you’re a coach, or a parent of a child athlete there are things you should remember to help keep your young players healthy.

The Accountability Factor: How To Hold Yourself Accountable For Your Summer Fitness Goals
Two weeks into your new running or fitness life you start to lose momentum. It’s not as fun as you thought it’d be and it’s tough to get motivated. What’s missing?

Why BB Cream is the Ideal Makeup for Minimalist Beauty Routines
The Growing Trend and Need for Minimalist Beauty
In today's fast-paced world, when people are en...

Revitalizing Hair Health- The Role of Nutrients and Supplements
Hair problems such as thinning, dryness, and brittleness often affect many people. These makes yo...

How Skin Whitening Supplements Can Help Improve Skin Tone and Texture
The Struggle of Uneven Skin Tone and Texture
Do you feel sad or embarrassed over dull, unevenly ...