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How to Get Back Into Shape After A Long Break

How to Get Back Into Shape After A Long Break

If you haven’t worked out for 2 - 3 months, you have lost half of your aerobic fitness. During this hiatus, your lung capacity has shrunk, your blood vessels have contracted, and your muscles have lost a significant amount of their strength.
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Why Eating Too Little Can Stall Weight Loss

Why Eating Too Little Can Stall Weight Loss

If you ask most people how they would recommend losing weight in the most basic form, they will usually answer “Eat less, exercise more”. Generally, they are right. The simplest way to lose weight is to burn more calories during the day than you are taking in from your food.
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Targeting Your Belly Fat: A Comprehensive Approach

Targeting Your Belly Fat: A Comprehensive Approach

I magine that we are walking along a hiking path, enjoying nature, thinking good thoughts, and suddenly, we hear a rustle in the bushes. Our body thinks, bear (or in Paleo times saber toothed tiger-Oh my). Either way, the hike is ruined and you are now faced with a decision. Is it Bambi or is it a bear?
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February is American Heart Month

February is American Heart Month

Cardiovascular (cardio) workouts are very important in any exercise regimen. The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 min. per week, broken up into 30-min. increments five times a week.
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How Gluten Interferes with Weight Loss

How Gluten Interferes with Weight Loss

For some individuals, gluten can pose a serious health problem. For others, it is a sensitivity, but can still wreak havoc throughout the body. Gluten is typically a protein that is found in foods made from wheat.
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Holiday Weight Loss Secrets Revealed

Holiday Weight Loss Secrets Revealed

The holidays are a time to enjoy the company of close loved ones. People travel for miles to visit, reminisce and share a memorable meal with one another. Unfortunately, this time can also be stressful for those who are trying to lose weight.
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Eat Your Hair Healthy!

Eat Your Hair Healthy!

Did you know that your hair changes every seven years? And if we are shedding about 100 hairs a day on average we need to regenerate it at the same pace. So that means feeding your follicles! 
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Supercharge your Health with MD Ultimate Green!

Supercharge your Health with MD Ultimate Green!

Much of today's food is depleted of natural nutrients due to the method of farming and processing. Many studies confirm that diets lacking in proper nutrients lead to illness.
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Five Fantastic Home Remedies for Cold and Flu Relief

Five Fantastic Home Remedies for Cold and Flu Relief

The cold and flu season is quickly approaching. And with it comes those downright miserable sympt...
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